Creative programming: challenge 1.

This assignment falls under creative programming. It is all about using creativity in programming. In this course we work with processing and program in C++. I already knew some of this language so programming went quite well. For the first assignment we had to create a digital artwork. This was quite difficult in the beginning, combining creativity and aesthetics and technology and realization. I mostly find that I am really letting my creativity flow in the design of physical products and graphical design, so this was something completely different. I also tried to find something that suited my vision on design, and not just make something that is completely out of that picture. In the end I came up with something quite cool, inspired by a video that I saw online on vintage processing art. I even managed to get some math, data and computing implemented into the assignment, since I had to do a bit of research on different functions and parametric functions even, since I didn’t know everything about it anymore, and I had to do some research on it. Combining technology and realization, creativity and aesthetics & data, math and computing made it so that I could use this course to develop all of these expertise areas a bit.